about me

As well, I was looking for something more permanent or longer lasting. Osteopathy awoke my mind to the intricacies of the human body and how all aspects are connected and work with each other; therefore, understanding how an injury can affect many aspects from internal to the external body. I have fallen in love with this treatment as it is more helpful overall for clients and addresses the body holistically, as one whole unit. I am so excited to continue growing, enhancing my skills, and knowledge as a practitioner. My goal is that my clients can one day live a pain free life, by finding and addressing the causes of their problems and supporting their innate ability to heal.
MOT & Massage Therapy
manual osteopathic therapy (mot)
Manual Osteopathic Therapy is great for everyone as it treats the cause of the pain instead of merely treating symptoms. Following a patients history and assessment, treatment consists of a gentle hands-on approach that focuses on balance of all body systems: musculoskeletal, fascia, organs (viscera), nerve innervation, blood circulation, lymph flow, and craniosacral rhythm.
To treat the body as a whole system, four key modalities can be used: osteo-articulation, myofascial re-modelling, visceral manipulation (VM), cranio-sacral-therapy (CST). Each treatment is tailored to the client’s needs and circumstances at that time–no two treatments are the same.
*Treatment is done clothed so recommended to wear comfortable clothes as changing positions from laying, sitting and standing are required.

Osteoarticulation techniques are to assist the client to realign their skeletal system without the use of force. These techniques are great for people who are trying to alleviate sciatic pain, neck and back pain, shoulder pain, joint pain and more. They are an excellent alternative to traditional chiropractic treatment.

myofascial release
Myofascial remodeling is a hands-on treatment designed to improve range of motion, eliminate restrictions and increase the body's natural recovery process. Assist to improve circulation and reduce soreness.

visceral manipulation (VM)
Visceral Manipulation is a gentle hands-on therapy for internal organs (viscera) and the surrounding connective tissues. It can restore normal organ movement and improve their function. It can also assist in eliminating restrictions, especially after surgery, infection, or injury. Treatment is great for digestive issues, and can alleviate bloating, cramping, constipation, stress, and even back pain.

cranialsacral therapy (CST)
Craniosacral therapy is a very gentle technique that works on the bones of the skull and pelvis. These techniques can assist in relieving head, neck, and backpain by restoring cranial mobility, fluid flow, or by releasing restrictions in the body. CST is excellent for alleviating jaw pain (TMJ disorder), migraines, depression and anxiety.
Book a time to experience MOT and a new level of freedom!
my prices can be found here for reference:
90 Min = $150
60 Min = $125
45 min = $95
30 min = $70
*please remember to add gst.
- Brentwood Chiropractic Clinic
937 Fir St, #108, Sherwood Park, AB T8A 4N6 - Hours of Operation:
Tuesday, Wednesday: 2pm - 7pm
Friday: 10am - 5pm - For more information about the clinic, please visit Brentwood Chiropractic Clinic